from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch import helpers import time es = Elasticsearch() individialVideoDocs = [] docs = [] subscriberUserID = ["kishlay" , "raj"] allVideosFullText = { "_index": "pipa", "_type": "video", # "_id": videoId, "_source": { "SusbcriberUserId": subscriberUserID, "script": "alltext"} } docs.append(allVideosFullText) k = helpers.bulk(es, docs) arr = []; time.sleep(2) res ="pipa", doc_type="video", body={"query": {"match": {"script": "alltext"}}}) print("%d documents found" % res['hits']['total']) # print(res)es.indices.refresh(index="pipa") for doc in res['hits']['hits']: # print("%s) %s" % (doc['_id'], doc['_source']['SusbcriberUserId'])) arr = doc['_source']['SusbcriberUserId'] print(arr) arr = ["kika","mina"] idResult = doc['_id'] resOfApp = es.update(index='pipa', doc_type='video', id=idResult, body={"doc":{"SusbcriberUserId": arr}}) print(resOfApp) # es.update(index='pipa',doc_type='video',, # body={ "SusbcriberUserId": subscriberUserID})
For node.js Use frontail for logging For Python -- use Cutelog In NodeJs for using frontail we need to use log the logs in a file for logging logs to file , we will use winston Using winston Eg. of using winstonconst { createLogger, format, transports } = require('winston'); const { combine, timestamp, label, prettyPrint } = format; const logger = createLogger({ level: 'info', format: format.json(), transports: [ // // - Write to all logs with level `info` and below to `combined.log` // - Write all logs error (and below) to `error.log`. // new transports.File({ filename: 'error.log', level: 'error' }), new transports.File({ filename: 'combined.log' }) ] }); logger.log({ level: 'info', message: 'What time is...
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