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python code to get url list of all videos of a channel

import scrapy
import re
import pickle
import json
import sys

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
    global allUrlFile , fullUrl
    allUrlFile = open('allUrl.txt', 'a')
    fullUrl = open('fullUrl.txt', 'a')
    localHost = "http://localhost:8050/render.html?url="    #youtubeUrl = "" # channel with only one ajax    # youtubeUrl = "" # khan academy    youtubeUrl = "" # khan hindi    start_urls = [localHost + youtubeUrl]
    name = "allvideos"    def start_requests(self):
        for url in self.start_urls:
            yield scrapy.Request(url, self.parse)

    def parse(self, response):
        self.log("this program just visited "+ response.url)

        if not 'browse_ajax' in response.url:
            data = re.findall('"continuations":\[{"nextContinuationData"(.+?)\]', response.body.decode("utf-8"), re.S)
            # print(data)            strData = data[0].encode("utf-8")

            filename = "continuationToken.txt"            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump((strData), f)

            # pattern =r"continuation\":\"(\w+)"            pattern = r"continuation\":\"(.*)\","
            continuationToken =, strData ,  re.MULTILINE ).group(1)
            # print(continuationToken)            hrefsInMainBody = []
            hrefsInMainBody = (response.css('').extract())
            hrefsInMainBody = [element.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') for element in hrefsInMainBody] # changing each element from unicode to String            print(hrefsInMainBody)

            for item in hrefsInMainBody:
                #remove /watch?v=                i = item.find('=')
                print(item + " and adding " + item[i+1:])
                allUrlFile.write("%s\n" % item[i+1:])
                fullUrl.write("%s\n" % item[i+1:])
                fullUrl.write("%s\n" % item)

            # call another function to fetch pending channel names from youtube of scroll equivalent            scrollUrl = "" + continuationToken
            finalScrollUrl = scrollUrl
            print("final scroll url \n" + finalScrollUrl)
            yield scrapy.Request(finalScrollUrl, callback=self.parse)
        else : #ajax scroll call            print("this is else ")
            jsonResponse = json.loads(response.text)
            # print(jsonResponse['content_html'] + "  lolaaaa")            loadMoreDatafromHtml = jsonResponse['load_more_widget_html']
            htmlInAjaxCall = jsonResponse['content_html']

            filename = "conentHtml.txt"            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump((htmlInAjaxCall), f)

            #get hrefs of current ajax call            hrefsInAjaxCallPattern = r"/watch\?v=.*?.\""            try:
                hrefsinAjaxCall = re.findall(hrefsInAjaxCallPattern , htmlInAjaxCall)
                hrefsinAjaxCall = [element.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') for element in hrefsinAjaxCall]
                hrefsinAjaxCall = list(set(hrefsinAjaxCall)) # removing duplicates using set
                for item in hrefsinAjaxCall:
                    i = item.find('=')
                    print("checking "+ item)
                    allUrlFile.write("%s\n" % item[i + 1:-1])
                    fullUrl.write("%s\n" % item)
                    fullUrl.write("%s\n" % item[i + 1:])

            except Exception as e:
                print("got caught in exception")
                filename = "exception.txt"                with open(filename, 'ab') as f:
                    pickle.dump((htmlInAjaxCall), f)
            print("ajax call urls")
            # print(hrefsinAjaxCall)            if loadMoreDatafromHtml:
                pattern = 'data-uix-load-more-href="(\/.+?)"' #getting next href for scroll
                continuationhref =, loadMoreDatafromHtml).group(1)
                # print("new token "+ continuationhref)                scrollUrl = "" + continuationhref
                finalScrollUrl = scrollUrl
                # print("final scroll url \n" + finalScrollUrl)                yield scrapy.Request(finalScrollUrl, callback=self.parse)
                print("empty load more data")


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