gcloud config list all the configrations that have been set To see all the settings which includes the default settings gcloud config list --all app engine is platform as a service option its serverless and largely ops free compute engine is the Iaas - fully controllable down to os container engine - the cluster of machines running kubernetes and hosting containers case study- hosting a website 1. static , no ssl for this all we need is just the storage 2. ssl , cdn needs https serving , content delivering , release management etc 3. load balancing or scaling will be useful if we have a large amount of traffic coming in. Get vms 4. lot of dependencies might be we have gone for a microservice architecture. Deployment is painful .. create containers , manage clusters 5. the abouve still might be difficult to manage so next level we have heroku and engine yard on these just focus on the code nd forget the rest we will study each in detail...