learned from udemy
sudo: required
#above says we need to have superuser-level permission to make this working
- docker
#above says we need the docker cli installed so it will install a copy of docker into the running container
before_install :
- docker build -t kishlayraj2/docker-react -f Dockerfile.dev .
#above says what needs to happen before we deploy our project or run our test
script :
# will tell how to run the test suite
# if from any of the below commands it gets any return code other than 0 then its going to assume that the process has failed
- docker run kishlayraj2/docker-react npm run test -- --coverage
#the only problem here is that "npm run test" wait for input from the user and doesn't terminate itself automatically, and to make it stop automatically we will use -- --coverage
sudo: required
#above says we need to have superuser-level permission to make this working
- docker
#above says we need the docker cli installed so it will install a copy of docker into the running container
before_install :
- docker build -t kishlayraj2/docker-react -f Dockerfile.dev .
#above says what needs to happen before we deploy our project or run our test
script :
# will tell how to run the test suite
# if from any of the below commands it gets any return code other than 0 then its going to assume that the process has failed
- docker run kishlayraj2/docker-react npm run test -- --coverage
#the only problem here is that "npm run test" wait for input from the user and doesn't terminate itself automatically, and to make it stop automatically we will use -- --coverage
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